Monday, June 13, 2011

I used to love journaling my prayers and worship to you God. I want to try to start doing this again. I have no words God, to pray, to express what I think. When I try to pray, I can't. My heart feels heavy and it feels like I just plug into you and you hear me. My heart is so heavy God. Just heavy about so man things. My marriage. My work, my personal life, my walk with you. My family and friends who are lost. My failures my future. I feel like I carry so much. But wait, you yolk is easy and your burden is light. I am not doing something right. I don't want to lose my burden for those who are far from you. Let's start to pray... I'm horrified to think that so many people I love are going to hell. Horrified. If it's true that you've only chosen some then I'm just at a loss. Why would you place this burden within me and then make it where I can do nothing about it. Please help me make peace with this. So many God so many. My husband... my dad... Sarah, Adriana, Karen, Marlene, Maribel, Jesus, Melina, Tracie, Nikki, Adan, my uncle Andy, Kenna, so many others God. So many others. It's too much. Too many people are far from you and don't care. I dont want to approach you weakly, show me what I am missing to come to you with boldness and to pray with faith and confidence. Forgive me for what I lack God, thank you for your Holy Spirit that intercedes for me according to your will. Even if I don't get it, He is setting straight my errors. Help me speak with power God. I'm so sick of my own wisdom and philosophies, giving good advice, words of wisdom. So sick of it, there is no power in it. No change happens. It's just me talking. I want you to speak through me. I want your power in my life. Power to bring your truth to people, power to walk according to your purposes, power to live a life of purity consecrated unto you. Help me God. Make me a worshiper of you. A true worshiper.

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