Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prayer changes things. It changes us. And there are times in which God waits for us to ask for things because his plan is that we work with him in the glorious process of bringing his will to pass here on earth. -rcs

Help me God ti be a woman of prayer. Show me the results in my life, I know I want to see answers but I also want to see change. Change in me and my desires my heart and most of all change when I speak to people about you. Power from on high. I hate the idea of my words being what everyone is hearing, my wisdom being given to people, my ideas, my dumb mind which has already ruined my own life. Thank you for your saving grace which makes all things new. Make me new Jesus, my life, make it new. I need a fresh start, like you gave to Job you gave him a new start. I am not asking you to remove what I have now but the unfruitful, dead, ugly waste in my life, my marriage, my dead relationships, my ugliness, burn it up and refine me.. refine it. Show me God why I need to pray. Show me why it is so important. I feel you calling me, drawing me. I am writing so I can be disciplined in what I want to pray for. Place on my heart what you want me to pray for God. Give me the focus and energy I need to pray for what I need to pray for.

Today God I ask for my voice to work right. Such a dumb thing to ask for I know but so important to me. Remember God when I asked you to help me to know Spanish and I learned it so quickly. This is one of those prayers. I can't stop askin cause the burning in my soul won't go away. I pray for Bonnie's necklace to be found if at all possible. Bring it back to her God. God I ask you now to fix my marriage and by that I am asking you to lead my husband to you. Let him know how beautiful life can be walkin with you God.

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